Changing Futures Foundation

Changing Futures


Building sustainable solutions to help others help themselves.

Changing Futures Foundation is a not-for-profit organization committed to creating partnerships and opportunities to help underprivileged or marginalized individuals and families work toward building their own sustainable, brighter future.

Our objective is to help provide a safe, secure environment, coupled with appropriate support systems, to create successful outcomes.


Expanding on his vision of building homes of hope to help those in our community who need a “hand up” not a “hand out”, in 2011 Ken Ferchoff, chairman of Carrington Group of Companies, created Changing Futures Foundation to ensure this important legacy will live on.

Working in partnership with community agencies, Changing Futures Foundation recognizes and understands the need for safe and attainable housing in our city and has a passion to help build strong, mixed and healthy communities in Edmonton. By avoiding the segregation of those who fall below a certain income level, the Foundation strives to diversify neighborhoods and create balanced communities, where everyone is given a chance to succeed.

Visit the Changing Futures Website